If we want a world that has healthy relationships, fruitful conversation, and an indwelling of peace, we must begin with forgiveness. Forgiveness starts with an acknowledgement of a moral standard, and a recognition that the agreed upon moral standard has in some way been offended if not outright broken. As we confess to the offenses we have made (to ourselves, and others in appropriate times) we are able to receive forgiveness. Having received forgiveness we are more likely to give it as well. Forgiveness leads to reconciliation. Reconciliation leads a sense of wholeness, completeness, even oneness, that leads to peace. Without forgiveness what to we have? Feuds, grudges, pain and anger, and people who are bound by the experiences that caused the initial offense. What would it mean for our world if we could rid our selves of this binding to past pains (small or large)? What would it mean if we could (at least for our side of a relationship) forgive those who offend us? Imagine. #MakeYourWorld